Experiments with Fractal Spinning

Last year I bought myself a Electric Eel Wheel from Dreaming Robots and several months into using it, I felt good enough about my ability to spin consistently to start tackling some color techniques. I quickly came across tutorials on a technique called fractal spinning and decided to test it out with my Paradise Fiber Club packages. This spin is using 3 out of the 4 colors I received in October of 2023.

Fractal spinning basically entails splitting your fiber supply in half, spinning one half in a color pattern you like, and the other half split into smaller repeats of the first half’s color pattern. Plying the two (or more) spools together creates a beautiful effect that, in my opinion, really showcases the chosen color palette in an interesting way. The most broken down repeats of the whole color pattern, the softer the striping effect when knit or crocheted will appear. Here’s a good tutorial on fractal spinning.

For this spin, I did one whole pattern of orange, purple, and blue and three repeats of that pattern in the second half. I had equal amounts of the orange and purple fiber, and a smaller amount of the blue. Here’s what came off the bobbins:

This can be done with a hand dyed braid by manually separating and weighing parts of the fiber based on colors. Here’s a fractal style spin I did from a carded bat where I had to manually separate the colors.

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Relearning to hand spin.

I’m not sure what did it.

I didn’t see anything particularly inspiring, I didn’t feel any guilt about the totes of lovingly combed and dyed fiber sitting in my chilly back hallway. In fact, I forgot I had most of it!

Perhaps you, dear reader, also live with ADHD and it’s its very expensive comorbidity: hobby cycling. For me, I never really get off the cycle, some hobbies just have a Jupiteresque orbit. Apparently spinning yarn on a drop spindle needed to marinate in my noodle for a decade or so.

As you might imagine, it started out a bit rough, but I was happy to see not nearly as rough as those early efforts that clearly weren’t pleasurable enough to hold my interest.

The ghost of lanolin scent that puffed out of the first bag I opened must have gotten a hold on me this time, because those old spirals of brushed fleece have tangled me in their web, pun very much intended.

Here’s a photographic record of my first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth go at the 1lb bag of Blue-Faced Leister fleece I must have picked up at Rhinebeck around 2007/8.

New special interest just dropped, watch this space!

#1, #2, and #3
#4 and #5
The 6th hank, I felt pretty good about this one!
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